Our first big seafood experience down here was at Big Al's. My brother-in-law, Greg, grew up pretty close to this place and said the place was busy. It definitely is for lunch as well as dinner and for good reason. Their shrimp was so good!
I'm not really sure if Big Al is the crawfish King, but I know he's not "Big." He's this little skinny guy with a black goatee. He was just hanging out behind the building talking on his cell phone.
Of course, Amy and Jenny ordered chicken strips and fries... SURPRISE!!!

The thing I found that was funny about order food is that Greg ordered for us "Bowl Shrimp" which really is the way they say "Boiled Shrimp" down here. I thought we were going to be getting like a Teriyaki bowl or something...
Oh, not so! They just bring out a big platter full of "bowl" shrimp and their dipping sauce, which is none other than...

Fry Sauce!!!
That's right... if you thougth fry sauce was a Utah/Idaho thing, you're dead wrong. Apparently it's been used down here in Cajun Country for a while to dip the shrimp. Anyway, the foot was really tasty. Greg even got some deep-fried shrimp and deep-fried oysters. Caleb loved the deep-fried shrimp and drinking out of his own cup, as you can see.

Greg and I went to town on the shrimp... you peel shrimp in 4 phases:
1 - Pull the head off
2 - Pull the legs off
3 - peel the hard shell/skin layer covering the meat
4 - pinch the tail and pull it off
You're left with a nice big piece of "bowl" shrimp!!!

fry sauce!!!??? that is disgusting. so gross. i mean, that is literally mayonaise and ketchup mixed. strange. no way its better than romy's garlic shrimp. that place is worth just paying $1k on plane tickets to go and eat it for one day.
whar is that?
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