This weekend we got a chance to go down to the Voisin family camp. It's a cabin-like house built up on piers over part of the bayou as you go toward some of the brack-ish lakes on the way to the Gulf.

Here are some pictures of some of the other "camps" along the way to the river.
Some are built up pretty high.
Some are actually pretty nice...
Others are cpretty close together...
Here's Jenny and Scottie coming out ready to head out on the boat.
So I'm in the bathroom inside the house when Greg comes running to tell me that Amy had caught a fish and to bring the camera. I go running down the dock so proud of my little wife who I didn't know could fish. I get there and she's got a big limp fish on the line... I think to myself, "Wow, I must have taken a long time getting down here, the thing isn't even moving."
Amy could barely even hold it up... it was a sheep head fish which we'd caught a few just like it earlier in the day. Later they all started laughing because Greg had just stuck one of the fish we'd caught that morning on a hook and tossed the line in the water to make it look like Amy had caught it. What a deception!!!
These are some of the ugliest fish I've ever seen. They call them sheep head fish because they actually have teeth like a sheep which are used to open up clams and eat them. Pretty gross!!!
Caleb had a great time... he just ran from one room to the next, to the next and inbetween would hold down the tap on the bottled water jug (which we eventually had to hide in the bathroom).