Here we are getting ready to leave Hilo at 6:30am. Caleb was such a trooper. There was a group of about 80 Japanese turists on our same flight and they just loved his hair.

The funny thing was that our choices for beverages were either a cup of fruit punch (like Tampico with a tin foil lid, or coffee). So we got the punch and Caleb didn't really care so much for the punch, but boy did he like drinking water out of the cup. We filled that thing up about 15 times before we landed. Boy was his next diaper soggy!

Caleb sure loved this beach. It's called Lydgate Park. A man-made reef was built up with boulders about a hundred hards out and the waves still get in a little, but not much. The water was pretty cool at first, but it was a warm day Saturday so it felt good and after a few minutes you were use to it. Caleb would run down into the water and do a belly flop half the time when he got there. I took this picture of him just crawling around on his tummy.

Caleb doesn't look to happy right here - there is a reason for this! He has this habit of just walking up to kids who have cool toys, or even just a stick, and wanting it. If the other kid doesn't give it to him he pulls one of these pouty faces. Eventually he had a meltdown, but we'll get to that later. Amy brought him up out of the water to sit with us and he cried it out, then suddenly, forgot all about it and ran back out into the water.

He had another meltdown when he found this hole. It was being used by another family and it had little sand castles built up around it. The kid who was playing near it started to knock the sand castles down, but I didn't know who had built it, so I didn't let Caleb help in the destruction - AHHH the drama! A lady who I had seen with her child in the pit came in out of the water and I asked her how long it took to dig the pit. She said she had no idea - it was more of a community pit. That gave Caleb the green light to hop in. As soon as he did, he turned to me and says, "Cheeeese!!" - because he knew I had the camera. Couldn't resist.

I know what he's thinking here, "If I go and take another kids bucket, I could bring water up here and create my own jaccuzi tub!!!"

Suddenly he realized I was there and turns to me and says, "Cheeeese!!!!"
how are you gonna break it to him and tell him there is no beach in utah?
I am sooo jealous I'm almost crying. Hawaii looks wonderful after the gloomy winter we've had here. I need some sun therapy!! ha ha. Well you guys deserve a break after the crazy couple of months you've had. I was beginning to wonder what had happened. Caleb is cute as ever. I can totally relate to all your stories since he and Benjamin are almost the same age. I'm glad you're having a good time.
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