This is Caleb sitting on Uncle Jimmy's lap. They live in Laie and are attending BYU-Hawaii. He loves Jimmy and Mikensi and always asks to sit on their lap. Sometimes he even acts like a baby and fake cries and asks Mikensi to pick him up. He's found his home-away-from-home. Here we are at the luxurious TVA (Temple View Apartments) as Mikensi described them to us. We were thinking about staying at the Laie Inn but Mikensi's mom stayed there and said it was horrible. Since there isn't too much on this end of the island as far as accomodations, I felt the Gilberts were very generous in being OK with our inviting ourselves to sleep over at their house. We stopped by Costco and Wal-Mart on the way in and loaded their freezer and fridge with a few things, then we even added more the Saturday before we left. We stopped at Costco by Hanauma bay because Jimmy decided he DID like Bagel bites (and we had to get some Macadamia Nut chocolates). Caleb loves sea turtles and we got luck seeing 3 on a beach near turtle bay. They ranged between 25-40 years old. We were shocked in talking to the bilogist who said that they don't really live to be 150 yrs old like it says on Finding Nemo. Caleb will never watch that movie again!!! For some reason he kept doing the sign for "star fish" - don't know why. He knows the one for turtle. We bought these squirt guns in Kauai because Caleb saw these 6-8 year old kids with them. He would just follow them around (not saying anything) while they played and then he'd reach out for them, thinking it was his turn. He started getting frustrated, then he just had a melt down on the beach. He loves them. He took them with us to Hanauma bay and would just squeal and run away when I squirted him. Tonight Amy dialed Grandma's number and handed the phone to Caleb. I wonder what his conversation was about??? You can barely see a seal down on the beach behind us. Caleb loves to make seal signs with his hands. This is on the North shore of O'ahu and from what we understnad there are not very many seals at all in the islands. This is Sharks Cove at susnet. The tide was low, so you couldn't really go around snorkeling very much and Caleb just had as much fun throwing rocks out into the ocean anyway, so it was fun for him too. We went to Hanauma Bay on Saturday. I'm waiting for the underwater pictures to be developed when we get home, but I stole this picture from Mikensi's website. Caleb loves Doritos and he just sat and ate them for 15 minutes or so. When he was done, he showed us his orange hands. Funny how they match his head, huh?? We had a great time at Hanauma Bay. We all got to take turns snorkeling, except for Mikensi who was still recovering from her kidney problems. As we got ready to leave, Caleb wanted to play leap frog with the orange emergency cones that were set up to give the lifeguards easy access to the beach. I had to pick them all up twice before we left. Too bad I didn't get a picture of it, ya know!!! All good things come to an end, and so we had to say good-bye to Jimmy and Mikensi in Laie. Caleb dressed up for the occasion! When we got to the San Fracisco airport, Caleb just chilled out and watched a movie for 2 hours until we headed over to our gate. Most of the people who walked by commented on how spoiled the kid is - I would have to agree in this instance :) After he watched Ice Age, he chased me around with his stroller for 15 minutes... he was giggling and squealing and everyone who was waiting for their flights was laughing because he was so loud. We got a few "That's a cute kid!" comments... that's usually when Caleb gets shy.
what a goofball! cute little caleb. i'm surprised he even came to me! hey, what's he got against "finding nemo"? i'd rather watch that 12 times than "aladdin" ;) bwahahaha!
I love the new background for your blog. I feel as if I was transported to Hawaii just by clicking on your web address. Post more pictures of your adventures if you have them. We would love to see them and Taryn enjoys seeing pictures of Caleb.
what a goofball! cute little caleb. i'm surprised he even came to me! hey, what's he got against "finding nemo"? i'd rather watch that 12 times than "aladdin" ;) bwahahaha!
I love the new background for your blog. I feel as if I was transported to Hawaii just by clicking on your web address. Post more pictures of your adventures if you have them. We would love to see them and Taryn enjoys seeing pictures of Caleb.
Hi Curtis family!
I LOVE your blog! and I love you!
Miss ya!
p.s. was he said to find no beach in utah?
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