One of Caleb's favorite things is Dinosaurs.

Grandpa Price bought a pop-up book a while ago with Dinosaurs and when Caleb and I went over tonight Grandpa read the book to Caleb. Caleb loved it.

He would pretend that he was scared several times as the pages were read. It was hilarious to watch him bury his face into the chair in feigned fright! What a little actor.

But the biggest actress of the night was grandma. Anyone who has ever seen her read a story to kids knows what I'm talking about.
no, my baby is born in october
OH NO!! I JUST DISCOVERED MOLD ON THE NEW SHOWER CURTAIN! ha ha... the curtain has been broken in 3 places where the rings go in. sometimes hard to keep the water in. hehee! there's mold on the bottom of the curtain... it'll spread upwards and envelop me into a moldy blob. anyway... we sure did appreciate it while it lasted! just 2 more months to go! oh, jimmy and i sent the dvd yesterday. :)
Hi Price's! I found your blog while I was going from one link to another. It was fun to check up on your family! Looks like you have been having fun.
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