It was a little hard to find the camp, but when we arrived, I pitched the tent real quick, blew up the air mattress and pout out the sleeping bags hoping I'd be able to transfer Caleb over quickly.
I talked with a few of the guys who were standing around the campfire and then about 10pm I decided to move Caleb over to the tent. He did OK until we were laying down and he started gettting very restless. When given the option between tent and sleep, he'd say "no sleepy!" But then an ATV drove by and that got him all excited. We sat by the campfire for a few minutes and then he finally was out cold at 11:30pm. I managed to squeeze on one of my beanies that I brought to help him stay warm and it worked. He didn't wake up until 6:15 (Fri morning it was 5:45am and Sun morning it was 4:40am).
That morning Caleb acted really groggy as we sat by the campfire, but when he discovered some of the marshmallow sticks he loved to poke the fire, but he wouldn't get too close - so that was good.
Then he just wanted to drive around on this electric ATV. He had a blast and fell asleep after 10 minutes in the truck on the way back (at 9:30am).
In that vidio, Caleb looks soooo cute riding his electric ATV!!!!!I can't wait to see him this summer!!
(if someone is reading this to Caleb) Your favorite cousin,
What an awesome dad you are though, braving the elements all for the sake of camping with caleb.good job! Cute video too.
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