Okay, so I've had 2 hours of sleep tonight. We watched
The Aviator last night and it didn't get over until around 11pm... not so bad except that I had a large diet coke with my salad yesterday for lunch, so I was wired - couldn't sleep at all. Then around 12am Caleb wakes up crying, so I go change a 7lb wet diaper and feed him a new bottle. I finally knock off around 1:30am I'm guessing because that's the last time I looked at the clock.
Amy and I are trying to figure out how to help Caleb sleep straight through the night. We tried just ignoring him when he cries and that worked for about 2 weeks or so... then we moved his crib from our loft area (since Bedroom #1 was occupied by Tom and Laurel, and bedroom #2 was occupied by Amy's recently-returned-missionary brother Jimmy). Well once he's in our room, Amy ends up just getting him and bringing him into our bed... he does end up going to sleep faster, but then it's tough for me to sleep because he keeps hitting me in the face and kicking and flailing about (even though he's sound asleep).
Around 4pm (yes 2.5 hours later) he starts making a bunch of noise and Amy rolls over to nudge me (because we could both hear him on the baby monitor) and says, "your boy wants you." I go into his room as quietly as possible and just lay on the bed. After about an hour if
kicking and flailing about he goes to sleep... ahh, lovely. But I'm not tired any more so I get up and come down stairs. Well, it's now 6:23am and he's back to fussing and kicking in his crib and I bet he's still asleep. Which means the only ones sleeping right now are Caleb and Amy.
I'm thinking I'm coming home today for lunch and taking a nap!!!