Friday, January 19, 2007

Swim Time

This is Caleb coming down the 4-story tube slide in the Legacy Center in Lehi. He loves to go swimming and he is NOT afraid of anything. It's a little scary sometimes for Mom and Dad... especially Mom.


Clint Davis and Family said...

that is a good movie! we wached it 10 times
love Rachel

mikensi said...

check out those awesome swimmin trunks little caleb has! they must be from hawaii or something.. ;) that video is CRAZY! i can't believe he went shootin down that slide! now i see how scared you'll be when he becomes a licensed driver.

mikensi said...

check out those awesome swimmin trunks little caleb has! they must be from hawaii or something.. ;) that video is CRAZY! i can't believe he went shootin down that slide! now i see how scared you'll be when he becomes a licensed driver.

mikensi said...

check out those awesome swimmin trunks little caleb has! they must be from hawaii or something.. ;) that video is CRAZY! i can't believe he went shootin down that slide! now i see how scared you'll be when he becomes a licensed driver.