So we're giving Caleb a bath tonight and Amy turns him around so he's facing the faucet and turns the water on. He just loved it. He reaches up and tries to grab water and sometimes we think he's going for the actual metal faucet.

The other day, Amy heard Caleb gigling and just talking on the baby monitor, then he just screams - then goes back to giggling again. Well, she goes upstairs to check on him and finds that he's kneeling with one hand holding himself up and the other one stretched as high as he can go reaching for his mobile. When he couldn't quite get it he'd just scream. I think we've got a determined little boy on our hands.
dude.... i flipped through your blogs (links to family blogs) and everyone in your family is having babies. Do you guys have some special bottled water you can send my way or WHAT!?!?!? SHEESH!
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