Today Caleb spent about 3 hours today with Grandma and Grandpa Price. He fell asleep a few minutes before we arrived and and woke up when I took him out of the car seat. It took him a few minutes to get going, and when he did he was so happy. My Dad and I left Caleb with Grandma Price and we went over to check out our new house.

It's coming along and is about ready for all the dry wall to be in stalled. There are 5 or 6 stacks of drywall on the main floor ready to be hung. They've put in all the insulation around the vertical walls (nothing above the ceiling yet) and have plastic sheeting holding most of it back. It's even been hung all around the concrete in the basement... well, most of the concrete. They've already sealed the suspended garage floor panels and then poured concrete over the top. There are 8" at the back of the garage, sloping down to 4" near the garage doors and drive way. Still no drive way, though. I'm starting to get pretty excited and I'm sure it will seem even more real once the drywall is all up throughout.
After we got back to my parents house, we hung out with Caleb and took some pictures. Caleb is such a big ham when the camera's come out... it cracks me up!
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