We headed out Fri after work at 6pm to make to Caleb's cousins home in Grand Junction, CO for KC Davis' baptism and subsequent B-day party. Caleb loved it!! He always has so much fun with his cousins. We didn't get there until about 10:30pm so Rachel decided to make us breakfast in the morning. Client was the BACONATOR!!!
Farewell, Davis family... until September... then October :)
I headed up to Jackson Hole to meet the youth of our ward on Thursday evening. I worked later than I anticipated so I didn't arrive at camp until about 11:45pm. But we had a great time. There was a herd of Bison that showed up in the morning near our camp (probably 300 to 400 yeards away), but you could hear them bellowing and they seemed A LOT closer than that.
I asked Amy for things that Caleb and I could have fun doing together and voila!!! Nurf Guns. We taped a couple of flashlights to them and have been chasing each other around the house with the lights off in the house and our "commando" guns ready to fire:) It's a lot of fun.