Monday, November 05, 2007

Caleb's Animal Signs

This is hilarious

(double-click in center to play video)

Here's a second try for tonight.

We will try again another day:)


Ja said...

dude--first of all, no one is leaving comments on here because for some reason, it re-refreshes automatically over and over and over and wont let you type in here. thank goodness i'm tech savy enough to know keybaord commands to stop the incessant refreshing! too bad i dont know how to spell incessant either. anyay, those videos are HELARIOUS!!! How old is Caleb anyway? Grant's SO far away from being able to do signs, understand us, and or talk. I hope he can pick it up soon!



mikensi said...

lol! that's hilarious! what a cute nephew i now have. :p