To start things off, Dave made us some awesome ribs. Lots of different flavors too. I was so full!

We all chipped in and got my mom a walker with her specifications; i.e. a) over-sized tires, b) a basket, c) large seat (in case she and Dad want to share - or Caleb wants to ride along) and an 8-track tape of Neil Diamond's greatest hits.

As the "adults" played a game of 5 crowns, Ella and Caleb chased each other around the house screaming and trying to scare each other. I wish I had some footage of that one. I think it was Grandpa's fault for getting Ella all wired up to begin with. Maybe they'll do it again tonight when we're at Joe and Amanda's house for the New Year's celebration.
... here are some pictures of New Years Eve. Caleb and Ella kept chasing each other around the house laughing and screaming. Oh boy!
1 comment:
must of been a fun Cristmas dinner.
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