Caleb is so funny when he's in the kitchen and living room. He knows what has a buckle... his booster steat, his bouncer, etc. He'll crawl over to it and pull him self up, then just study (and sometimes try to eat) the buckles! It cracks me up.
Cracks him up too!
Oh, by the way. He really likes Doritos too!!! Whenever he sees a bag, he makes beeline for it, and then just squeals when he's got them in his hands - A chip off the old block!
This kid loves his bath so much it cracks me up. His favorite thing to do now is to put his mouth on the tub faucet and hold onto the lever which turns the water on. Good thing when he pulls down on it (so he can pull him self into a standing position) he's turning the water off. One of these days he'll be mouthing the faucet and he'll turn on a bunch of cold water and scare himself... then again, he's really not scared of too much at all. He'd probably just laugh.
Here is Caleb with Rachel and KC. They sure have looked after him during their visit for Easter. KC's favorite activity is teaching him to climb the stairs. He's made it almost to the top twice (with Dad following to prevent falls). Rachel is Caleb's roommate and likes to tell him stories in the morning when he wakes up. This morning he learned about the 3 little pigs - interestingly enough the 3rd little pig with the brick house was an "auburn-haired girl" pig. HMMM!!! Caleb was so excited for them to come he kept crawling to the windows by the door - I could just hear him saying "Are they here yet?"
Jenn, brought Scottie into town to surprise her Grandpa Price. He'd mentioned to Jen that what he wanted for his b-day was to see his Grandson. Jen told him he'd see him "one day." This was on Friday. We picked her up at the airport at 11:40am on Saturday and went straight to our new house. I made up a story about how I needed some help with landscaping ideas. Mom and Dad were on their way to Carolyn's sealing in the Salt Lake Temple, and in a hurry. I'm sure Dad was thinking I was being really pushy, but I had Mom on my side... so they showed up. Well, we were all outside and Jenn and Scottie were inside. I took Mom and Dad up to the front door and was going to open it for them, instead Jenn opened it and said, "Hi Grandpa!" Dad was pretty happy. Now he just wants to see his 2 grand girls.