Here's the SCARFACE squadron doing a fly-over at the start of the MFN Football game in San Diego last night.
John Wright and I drove back from San Diego right after the 3rd quarter, making it home just before 8am. Rob Andra and his boys beat us... just barely. Just glad we all made it home safe.
Caleb took some time out from soaking some of his cousins with water balloons to open some presents... boy we can get him to do pretty much watever he wants with the promise of presents. This time he got some just for turning 5. We sure do LOVE him!!!
What's funny is you can hear his cousin Ryan start counting to 60 because I said we were going to open presents in a minute. What a funny family we are part of :)
Caleb just loves swimming so this year Amy and Katie made him a cake with him and his friends in the pool. He is the one with "orange" hair. You can't really tell from this angle, but he has bed head as well. Tomorrow he will have a squirt gun war!!!
Today we went up to the fish hatchery in Ogden. We knew it would be a piece of cake and it really was. Caleb and Trent loved it and they did pretty good together too.
This winter we ended up cancelling one trip to Goblin Valley because weather was treacherous on Hwy 6... so the boys stayed at my house and then we went to Tibble Fork Reservoir to work on their Snow Sports Merit Badge. The next month we continued working on it at the Williams Cabin at Daniels Summit. In April, we finally made it to Goblin Valley.
We flew into San Juan Puerto Rico and visited St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Kitts, Dominica and Barbados. It was a blast and it I definitely want to go again. Caleb stayed with Nicole and "the girls" the whole time and had a blast.